Malta Institute of Management

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The Malta Institute of Management (MIM) is a not-for profit, non-negotiating and non-political making professional body for persons in Malta concerned with and involved in management. MIM has the capabilities to develop the appropriate learning solutions and processes, based upon strategic business issues and individual and organizational needs.

Its various classes of membership allow for a wide representation of the local management profession and companies actively pursuing higher standards in management practice. Members of the MIM have the benefits of both associating with career development as well as contributing to the aim of the body as a whole.

 Corporate members can avail themselves of a series of exclusive benefits and services designed to meet today’s challenging business environment. The institute creates the chance for members to network with each other and thus increasing the knowledge and expertise of its members. The knowledge it also further expended through the research papers from the MIM portfolio as well as MIM journal. The institute also supplies its members with regular updates and issues through its seminars, conference and customized learning solutions.


MIM is an active member in the European Management Association (EMA), which currently includes 20 European Management institutes as members, and an academic member of the conference board Europe.


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