Malta Maritime Flag Ranking 6th Worldwide

| Published on 05 2月 2015

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The Maltese Maritime Flag has been confirmed as the 6th largest Flag worldwide, confirming Malta's status as a centre of maritime excellence. 

The Merchant Shipping Register operating under the auspices of Transport Malta announced a registered growth of 12.5% over the previous year, bringing the registered gross tonnage up to 57.9 million gross tons.  This confirms the Malta Flag as the European leader in the maritime sector, as the largest merchant flag in the European Union and the 6th biggest in the whole world.

Such growth is the result of the investment in resources and the efforts of the shipping registry which has, over the years, fine-tuned its practices, particularly by making the registration of a vessel an expeditious matter.  The Maltese Maritime Flag has also been hailed for its reliability, minimum bureaucracy as well as value for money. 

Our success in the maritime industry is also in line with the Government's vision for Malta to become "an excellent leading maritime centre in the Mediterranean" conveyed through an Integrated Maritime Policy which was launched recently.  This Policy identifies the various marine-related themes and issues that the Government is focusing on, including innovative sectors such as marine biotechnology, offshore renewable energy and maritime financial services.  Other sectors which this Policy aims to strengthen particularly by addressing existing gaps include more conventional areas as the ship building and fisheries sectors.   

Meanwhile, Malta prepares for the upcoming 1st Mare Forum Malta being held in April 2015. Policy-makers as well as stakeholders from all over the world shall gather in Malta for the first time to share experiences and debate on issues of common concern.  Malta will therefore go under the spotlight as it acts host to this most global and influential fora for the maritime and shipping industry, whilst devising ways to continue boosting its sustainable growth and development in one of the most sectors central to its economy. 

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